Prayer Times

Salat Start Iqamah
Fajr - 06:30 AM
Zuhr - 01:45 PM
Asr - 04:30 PM
Maghrib Sunset
Isha - 08.15PM
Jumu'ah 1 01:30 PM
Jumu'ah 2 02:30 PM
Jumu'ah 3

Welcome to Masjid Alsalam-Niagara Falls Islamic Center

Assalam-o-Alaikum dear visitors, we welcome you to this community based on Islamic values and beliefs. Our center is committed to preserving the Islamic identity, upholding moral values, supporting a viable Muslim community, promoting a comprehensive Islamic way of life based on the Holy Quran and the
Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad.


  1. Establishment of religious rituals
    The masjid offers:

    • 5 daily prayers
    • Friday prayers
    • Taraweeh & qiyaam-ul-lail prayer
    • Eid prayers
  2. Workshops for teaching the Qur’an for kids
    • Half- daily program from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. This program aims to help male and female students to memorize small surahs from the Qur’an and to learn rules of tajweed.
  3. Workshops for teaching the noble Qur’an to adults
    • These workshops aim to help adult males and females to read the Qur’an correctly without and provide them with the provision of recitation.
  4. Weekend Arabic language school for children
    • Teach Arabic language for children to read and write.
    • Provide children with some religious information related to belief, Fiqh, and Prophet biography.
    • Implant and develop Islamic morals and manners in the hearts of young children.
    • Help children to memorize short verses from the Qur’an.
  5. Organizing religious lectures and seminars
    • The aim of these lectures and seminars is to educate the Muslim community of the problems they encounter in their life and find solutions for them from the point of view of Islamic perspective. Scholars and preachers will be hosted around the world for this purpose.
  6. Organizing religious competitions
    • Qur’anic competitions:
      These competitions aim to encourage male and female students to memorize and review the Noble Qur’an. Encouragement will be induced by providing various prizes.
    • Cultural competitions:
      Aim to provide male and female students with some religious and general information that benefit them in their lives, for example, a contest on the migration of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and other competitions.
  7. Family services
    • Through the preservation of family bonding among family members and finding solutions to Problems between marital couples as well as between children and their parents.
  8. Aldawa to Allah
    • Through the distribution of some simple books and pamphlets that explain to non-Muslims the moderation and tolerance of Islam, and also answer some of the questions that touch their minds.

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Strengthen your community

May Allah bless you! Thank you. Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord

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